laugardagur, ágúst 12, 2006

Hýr í hjarta

Nú um helgina er Gay Pride í fullu fjöri hér í Reykjavíkurborg. Í ágúst í fyrra samdi ég gríðarlega góðan texta í tilefni dagsins, best ég geri annan slíkan..

The merry tale of Hylent and Lord

I was trying to be gay one day.
I sat on a roof and was sad.
I looked at the children that played.
I shouted at them and was mad.

Then I prayed:
"Lord, can I be gay?
For just
one day?"

Lord came down and said:
"Jesus Christ, be silent,
I'm trying to do my thing here!
Be gay if you want to, Hylent".

Now my days are all merry.
I'm gay and I'm loving and caring
the children that I used to shout at
today are my friends and we're sharing..

Love, peace and happiness.

Til hamingju með daginn kæru Íslendingar. Finnum samkynhneigðina innra með okkur og hikum ekki við að elska alla!

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